22 Jul

It’s that time again, where someone hit fast forward and summer is already near its end. Meaning it’s time for school to start and everything fall themed. If you’re a avid crocheter like me and wondering what types of things you can crochet for school, then keep reading!

1. Backpack Clips/Bag Charm

Photo & Pattern credits: Emma https://www.twinlee.org

What better way to accessorize your backpack than with a bag clip. These are easy to make and very cute and stylish. Also pretty inexpensive to buy if you don’t have the patience for crochet thread.

2. Hand sanitizer holder

Something handy to always have nearby at school is hand sanitizer. Plus you definitely can’t go wrong with this cute crochet hand sanitizer holder. It’s simple to make and accessorizes your back pack with a purpose.

Photo & Pattern Credit: https://daysck.com/crochet-for-days/boho-sanitizer-sling#google_vignette

3. Pencil Bag/Pouch

Have you ever thought of a crochet pencil case? Pretty much everyone has had one type of pencil case or another whether plastic or fabric, but what about crochet? There’s a whole load of cute designs and customization that you can decide on when going with a crochet pencil case. Here’s a example:

Photo & Pattern credits: https://handmaderosebag.be/pencil-case-free-pattern/accessories/

4. Earbud Case

This one I personally love the most! The reason why is because this cute little bag is so versatile and can be used for more than one purpose. It features a little drawstring that will cinch the bag closed to ensure nothing falls out of the bag.

Photo & Pattern Credits: Emma https://www.twinlee.org

5. Lanyard’s

Crocheting a lanyard might seem new to you, as I’ve personally never thought of one. My twin sister was inspired after we both made crochet wristlets and quickly whipped this cute lanyard up. The best part is she made it out of cotton yarn, so it’s soft and hypoallergenic.

Photo & Pattern Credits: Emma https://www.twinlee.org

I hope this blog post has inspired you or helped you find your next crochet project! Stay tuned for more tips, tutorials and inspiration.

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